W.I.S.E Gym
Terms & Conditions

Gym Rules:

Do not let people into the gym. If they can't get in, it's because they do not have a membership or they have expired. If they are members but are having problems with their code then they are to take this issue up with the Gym Owner, and the Gym Owner will decide if access is to be granted.

Sharing access codes with non-members/letting non-members in will result in an automatic ban, for all parties involved. We have extensive CCTV so will be monitoring this constantly.

Put your weights away when you are finished with them. Bare in mind that the people using machines/bars after you may be beginners and not able to unload the machines/bars themselves.

Do not lean weight plates/equipment against the walls or the mirrors as this causes damage. Plenty of storage is provided for all weight plates, dumbells, barbells and other equipment.

Wipe down equipment after use and ensure good personal hygiene is maintained.

Do not eat food in the gym.

Help to prevent trip hazards by keeping walkways clear from bags/equipment.

Be considerate and respectful of other gym users; be willing to help others in need and be conscious of how long you are using equipment if others are waiting to use it.

If you feel unwell, have a serious injury or have any doubts about whether it is safe for you to train, then don't -unless you have consent from your doctor or other health professional - as it is not WISE to put yourself (or others) at further risk!

Do not use the panic alarm if you have a question, it is for emergencies only. If you have a question, contact us on social media and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.Re-rack weights/put equipment away.

 Be respectful of other gym users and keep noise to a minimum.

 Do not do anything to put yourself or others at risk.

Verbal/physical abuse towards staff/members will have legal consequences.

Health and Safety Protocols


The SOS Panic Alarm:


The SOS panic alarm is positioned between the emergency exit and press release button, to the left of the fire exit door. It is to be pressed in an emergency and it will send a distress signal to the Gym Owner. The Gym Owner will then link into the CCTV system and assess the situation by visual and audio. This system has 2-way voice so the Gym Owner will communicate through the cameras to decide the best course of action, be it to send the nearest First Aider or call the Emergency Services. Despite every effort to respond as quickly as possible, if for any reason the Gym Owner cannot resond or attend, then alert GEEK staff next door of the emergency.


During unmanned hours:

- If you are the only person in the gym, remove the SOS panic alarm button from it's holder and keep it within reach, so that if you have an emergency where you cannot move to it's holder on the wall, you can still call for help.

- If you have the SOS panic alarm on your person and someone else arrives so you are longer alone in the gym, return the panic alarm to it's holder on the wall, because at this point there is someone else who can call reach for the alarm if needed.

- If your are training with free weights, please refrain from maxing out if you are on your own. If you are squatting / benching alone you MUST set up in the power rack, with the safety bars adjusted correctly to prevent you from harm in the event that you cannot complete a lift. The safety stopper on the leg press must also be used as it is essential for preventing injury when lifting heavy.

- Ensure you are familair with machines before you use them. If you are unsure how to use a machine, don't use it, and ask a member of staff to show you during manned hours. Inductions will now be mandatory to ensure everyone that uses the facilities are confident with adjusting the machines.


Fire Safety Protocol:

- In the event of a fire, try to remain calm.

- If the Gym Owner is not on site, press the SOS panic alarm button.

- Leave the building as quickly as possible via the emergency exits.

- Gather at the Assembly Point (Windsor Terrace) and wait for emergency services to arrive.



 I understand and agree to comply with the Gym Rules as written above and that failure to do so will result in immediate termination of my membership with no refund.

I confirm that I have read and understood W.I.S.E Gym's Health and Safety Protocols, therefore am confident about what to do in case of an emergency.

 The information I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate. I understand that I am to inform W.I.S.E Gym of any changes to the information provided.

 I understand that the gym is a hazardous environment and activities hosted by W.I.S.E Gym involve an element of risk, especially during unmanned hours. Whilst every care is taken to ensure safety of members; by attending the gym I accept the risks and take full responsibility for my own safety and W.I.S.E Gym will not be liable for any injury caused on premises.

  In the event where I may require First Aid assistance, I give my consent for the onsite First Aider to administer the necessary care.

  I understand that if I have signed that gym inductions are now mandatory. If I refuse one, I will not be granted access to W.I.S.E Gym.

 I understand that I am required to pay in advance of attendance to the gym. If I have not paid, entrance will not be granted. If membership is not paid, training sessions will be charged at £6 per session.

I understand that I am required to give 12 hours notice of cancellation for appointments. If I cancel within 12 hours of my appointment, or do not show up, I am required to pay the full amount, and cannot book onto anything else until I have. This is to be paid by cash, bank transfer, or it can be charged to the debit card linked with my account.

 I understand that I am not tied into a contract, however if I decide to pay by direct debit/ standing order but stop using the gym without cancelling my payment, I will not be refunded. To cancel a rolling contract I know I am to cancel it more than 4 days before the payment date, otherwise it is too late to stop that payment from being taken.

I understand that if I purchase a membership and change my mind within 24hrs, I will be refunded. After 24hrs I will not. If I used the gym within the first 24hrs, I will be refunded minus £6 for the price of a Day Pass.

 I confirm that I am older than 16 years old. If I lie about this to obtain access to the gym, I understand that I risk permanent banishment.

Liability Waiver (Informed Consent):

I hereby declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease or illness (other than those declared in the PAR-Q section of this form) that would prevent me from partaking in physical activity at W.I.S.E Gym. If I do so regardless, I do so at my own risk and assume all responsibility.

I understand that the information obtained from me in this form is for my own health and safety at W.I.S.E Gym. My information will be kept confidential and will not be used/shared with any external entities.  W.I.S.E Gym may use my contact information only to contact me with membership and gymnasium updates. I also understand that I have the right to be forgotten after 3 years if no longer involved with the business.

I understand that strength/aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment, is potentially hazardous. I am voluntarily participating in training at W.I.S.E Gym in full knowledge of the dangers involved and accept the risk of injury or even death.

I am aware that I have the right to request advice from the staff at W.I.S.E Gym at any time in relation to the activities being undertaken and, but not exclusively, their relevance to me/my health/equipment being used. If I choose not to take the advice given, I accept responsibility for the consequences of my actions, be it damage or injury.

I also understand that W.I.S.E Gym will not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of any valuables taken on/left on premises.